5 Reasons Your Emails Don’t Get Opened

Almost every salesperson who has ever emailed a prospect has experienced some level of message obstruction. Prospects are selective and busy, and none of them want to waste their time reading useless sales emails.

a prospect ignored a sales email
Therefore, if you see that prospects aren’t responding to your emails, you must take a thorough, honest look at your email approach. And when you do, be on the lookout for several critical email errors that frequently trip up sales professionals.

Let’s look at five of the primary offenders in this case.

Five Reasons Potential Clients May Ignore Your Emails

  1. Your prospect is unfamiliar with your business.

Your prospect will be sceptical of your email if they have no prior knowledge of your firm. Why are you in their email if they have never heard of you or your product? However, you’re not completely out of luck even if your brand is not very well known.

You might even have the chance to use your obscurity to attract a prospect’s interest, but you can’t do so without first getting their notice. This typically entails starting with a captivating or unique topic line.

But what about a subject line attracts attention? You may either be overly general or incredibly particular, so there are really only two alternatives. These are possible examples of those lines:

Unspecific: “Idea for your team”

Specification required: “How you and [prospect’s coworker] can see [X result]”

If you use ambiguity, try to stay away from being unduly promotional and self-serving. Saying, “We hear at [Your Company] have a great idea for your business,” takes away from the suspense. Lead with a value promise, but leave some room for them to delve further.

Do your research before becoming overly particular. Search a prospect’s LinkedIn, the website for their business, or any other publicly accessible resources to learn what they do, why they do it, and who they collaborate with.

By choosing this course, you’re attempting to show that you’ve put in the effort to learn about their needs and that they represent more than just another name on the list. Make sure not to submit it via phone.

  1. The email you sent is irrelevant.

Brand familiarity can be helpful, but it won’t help you make sales; what matters is your ability to explain how your product solves an issue that the buyer is truly facing.

Unless your email addresses a problem the customer is already aware of, they will rapidly disregard it as unimportant and carry on with their day. It is much simpler to pinpoint the issue before the connect call when the lead is an inbound one. If so, consider the web pages they viewed and extrapolate their objectives from there.

Check at their company’s LinkedIn profile, blog, social media pages, and other online presences if they aren’t inbound leads to learn more about their positioning, offering, and strategy. What difficulties have previous clients of yours faced? Write about the most frequent in your email.

  1. The problem has already been resolved.

Imagine you just purchased a new dishwasher. Will you open an email regarding the newest dishwashers that just arrived in stock? Most likely not.

When you get in touch with a customer who just bought a product that is comparable to yours, the same result occurs. Even if they’re not quite satisfied, they’ll probably focus on brand-new issues until it becomes obvious that their present approach is ineffective.

There are two ways to get past this challenge.

Start by reaching out to prospects earlier in the purchase process. Find out which (typically lesser) trigger events come before those instead of employing the same trigger events as every other salesperson in your area.

For instance, if you presently target businesses that have recently raised a round of investment, shift your focus to businesses that are in the process of raising capital. Before your prospects are even on the radar of your competitors, you will be able to develop relationships.

Play the long game, second. Even if the customer signed a contract a month ago, you still have a good chance of earning their business if you can maintain contact with them over the next 10 months. Determine the date of their renewal and include it in your CRM. Then check in occasionally, preferably each time adding value.

  1. Your email lacks originality and is forgettable.

Your prospect may be ignoring more than just your email while they are experiencing a difficult, demanding day. They most likely aren’t answering or even opening many more.

You need to be a little inventive in order to stand out from the crowd. To inject some personality into their messages, some reps employ humorous GIFs or memes. Prospecting films have been used successfully by other salesmen.

Even though these strategies won’t be sufficient in and of themselves to elicit a reaction, they may be the deciding factor if the customer is interested but overburdened with other tasks.

  1. The improper stuff is requested in your email.

A CTA or summary of what will happen next should be included in every sales communication. If prospects aren’t reacting, though, you might be employing the incorrect CTA or suggested next action.

For instance, requesting 30 minutes of someone’s time when you’re trying to get them on the phone will appear excessive. They’re most likely going to decline. But it’s also risky to ask for five more. You’ll come off as dishonest because prospects are aware from personal experience that most “five-minute calls” last at least 15 minutes.

Adjust the scope of your request based on where you are in the sales cycle. You should make bigger and bigger requests as the conversation goes on.

As an illustration, you might offer a straightforward yes-or-no question in your opening email, such as “Is this a problem you’re currently focused on at [prospect’s company]?”

After the demo, you may conclude an email by saying, “Thanks for agreeing to connect me to your manager; I think she’ll be interested in our reporting possibilities. Please communicate with us either today or tomorrow.

Salespeople need to change as buyers do. Your current prospects won’t respond to the sales emails you sent them two years ago. To receive responses, stay away from these errors.

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